Company and Family Trusts have become an increasingly popular way for people to protect their property and manage assets. However, getting professional, strategic advice when establishing a trust is critical to ensure a Trust is set up correctly.

Our highly experienced team of Trust Law specialists at Saunders & Co takes a practical, solutions-focused approach to client matters. We have a detailed understanding of the most complicated trust situations and are able to demystify the process by communicating information to clients clearly and concisely.


We can also advise on existing trusts or arrangements that are no longer suitable, and assist clients to create a more fit-for-purpose solution.


Dealing with Deeds of Family Arrangements to resolve family disputes when an estate or trust is being wound up is another area of expertise, along with general asset planning and family succession advice.


We also offer a professional trustee service.


For expert advice or a tailored solution when setting up a Company or Family Trust, please feel free to call one of our Trust Law specialists.

Our Trust Law Services include:


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